Services we offer

what we really know how

Consulting on FIWARE tech

Consulting & Partnership: Let's be smart together!

We offer consulting and development services on open platforms for smart environments such as FIWARE. Ally yourself with the architects and engineers of these platforms.

No matter whether you need IoT, big data, open data, or data visualization capabilities, we are the perfect technological partner you need for your smart projects.

Programmer Support

Support: Don't get lost!

As FIWARE experts, we offer tier-3 support services for your smart solutions based on this platform. This includes support for everything you might need: deploying, running, debugging, and/or customizing your solution.

our solution

Opplafy is the ultimate solution, based on vendor-neutral FIWARE technologies, to easily create and deploy right-time context-aware smart applications on the go, and make sense of plethora of data generated within an ecosystem of thousands of sensors and data services.

Opplafy is the result of our great know-how working on FIWARE since the very beginning of the project. Currently we are devoted to taking Opplafy to the next level of velocity, scale, performance and reliability. It delivers an elastic scale-out horizontal infrastructure, fully compliant with Industry Standards (i.e. NGSI, ETSI Context Information Management C3IM API), ready to break vertical silos.

By using Opplafy, your smart environment becomes an enabler of a right-time open data Marketplace, where right-time and historical information from inside your domain can be merged together with data from external data providers, which can then be monetized, enabling thus the Economy of Data.

With Opplafy you can also build incredible dashboards to visualize real-time data from your IoT sensors and track your KPIs. Make the most out of your data!

No matter what your smart domain is! Smart cities, smart agrifood, smart industry… Opplafy fits perfectly as the technological heart of it!

customers and partners

companies we collaborate with

About us

who we are

Ficodes is a startup that was born from a group of UPM research engineers and developers, passionate on developing smart solutions leveraging IoT and open data. Our focus lies on providing the necessary open platform technologies for developing smart solutions, such as smart cities, smart agrifood, smart environment, smart energy, etc.

We have huge experience on the FIWARE platform, in which our team has been involved since its inception during their time in UPM. Indeed, our team developed and coordinated different Generic Enablers inside FIWARE for more than five years. Besides, we have expertise in the integration of TM Forum open APIs for services management in FIWARE-enabled solutions.

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